June 28, 2010

Citadel's NEW Climate Change Services

Now Offering: Climate Change Services

At Citadel, we u
nderstand the need for our clients to  comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulation. We also encourage companies to act with great sense of corporate responsibility regarding their environmental impact. 

As a result of our environmental concern and increasing demand to become
"green", Citadel is pleased to announce the addition of brand new Climate Change Services. These services not only are designed to help our clients become more environmentally responsible, but also decrease their costs by increasing energy efficiency. Our new services include:
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategies
  • Client Regulatory Updates
  • Carbon Footprint Analysis
  • AB32 Verification Services (certification pending)
In response to the recent environmental movement, it has become increasingly important for companies to act environmentally responsibly. We can give companies the competitive edge they need to keep up with the increasing demand for environmentally responsible products and services. Differentiate your company, Citadel can help you get there.

1 comment:

  1. It is a good progress that is happening..And thanks for sharing the information..
    Master in real estate
