Soladyne Capital installed an Energy Monitor on the electrical panel, which is also connected to the WiFi network. Information on energy consumption was therefore able to be retrieved on-line to analyze on-going energy use.
Using this tool and the reports and analysis provided by Soladyne, Citadel was able to identify several energy-wasters. We learned that our AC units were running at night and on weekends, our parking lights were on during daylight hours, and our servers were 24/7 energy hogs.
Click below to see the full image of the analysis:

By reprogramming our AC thermostats, light timer, and by upgrading our old servers to an efficient new one, Citadel was able to cut our energy consumption by 25%.
Soladyne offers three
levels of Energy Analysis Reports to match their client needs. Reports include include analysis and recommendations, such as the measures described above. If
you would like to learn more about how we can reduce your energy costs for your
facility - contact Nic Serieys at the Citadel Office 818-246-2707, or via email or
Robert Ciani at Soladyne Office 818-692-6838 today!
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